Rose Bouquet


This is a perfect option for those, who are looking for simplicity.

Every week we have a variety of flowers and color palettes, so each bouquet echoes the sentiments of the moment and can never be repeated. The pictures are used to represent the style and approximate size.

Our studio specializes in unprecedented designs inspired by the elegance of the natural world. We are committed to a “quality over quantity” approach reflecting a price philosophy based on florals that are in the bouquet, rather than the amount of stems.

Each bouquet is thoughtfully sourced and arranged with nature-friendly practices in mind and is delivered with a compostable water tape, wrapped in a white paper.

You may include florist/delivery instructions at checkout. If you have any specific color or flower request please email us

Please, note, that the bouquets are being delivered without vase. If you want to include a vase to your order, please visit “Vase” section.

We are excited to bring Rose bouquet to your doorstep!

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