The Classic Signature Bouquet is a curated selection of vibrant seasonal blooms, designed to evoke the feeling of walking through a layered garden full of herbs, trees, bushes, and blooms.
The pictures are used to represent the style and approximate size. You can expect to receive between 17 and 20 stems, with minimal repetition.
Our studio specializes in unconventional designs inspired by ever-changing nature. Every week, we offer a different variety of flowers and color palettes, ensuring each bouquet reflects the sentiments of the moment and remains unique.
Each bouquet is thoughtfully sourced and arranged with nature-friendly practices in mind and is delivered with a water pack, wrapped in white paper.
Our delivery window is from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. To ensure optimal service and flower condition, we will contact the recipient to confirm their availability for delivery. Please make sure to provide their phone number at checkout. If the recipient misses the delivery, the bouquet will be left on the porch at the designated address, with the customer assuming all responsibility.
You may include florist/delivery instructions at checkout. If you have any specific requests, please email us at
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