Modern Nature is an online floral studio in Seattle. We offer flower delivery 7 days a week. We deliver to Kirkland, Bellevue, Redmond, Seattle, Renton, Kent, Auburn, Federal Way, and Tacoma.

Send Flowers

Delicate signature bouquet
delicate signature bouquet
Delicate signature bouquet

$80.00 USD

Classic Signature Bouquet
Classic Signature Bouquet
Classic Signature Bouquet

$135.00 USD

Simple Modern Bouquet
Simple Modern Bouquet
Simple Modern Bouquet

From $90.00 USD

Delicate signature bouquet
delicate signature bouquet
Delicate signature bouquet

$80.00 USD

Simple Modern Bouquet
Simple Modern Bouquet
Simple Modern Bouquet

From $90.00 USD

Classic Signature Bouquet
Classic Signature Bouquet
Classic Signature Bouquet

$135.00 USD

These flowers are a symbol of all things which unite us with each other and with eternal order of the universe.

Modern Florist in Seattle

Each week, we feature a different color palette and flower assortment, and take pride in never repeating our signature bouquets.

Each creation from Modern Nature is a unique reflection of the seasons, the weather, and the emotions inspired by the changing landscape.

We believe in a minimalist approach, favoring simplicity and restraint over density and “fullness.” Expect clean lines, geometric shapes, and well-defined forms that highlight the natural elegance of the flowers.